Youth Voice Their Story on Money Matters

Youth Receive CertificatesCongratulations to the three winners of our youth storytelling competition on family financial practices! We asked youth in Prey Veng province to tell, show or share with us: what comes to mind when you think about money and your family? We received many entries and were amazed by the quality of ideas, creative expression and touching experiences of all.

Not only did the winners receive prizes for their sharp storytelling skills, they also participated in the Youth Consultation Workshop event with officials from the National Bank of Cambodia and were invited to be advisors on the campaign. To read the submissions of the three winners, click here.


Student EntryThe competition concludes just before the launch of World Education, Good Return and The National Bank of Cambodia’s Consumer Awareness Campaign, “Let’s Talk Money”. The Campaign aims to strengthen the economic empowerment of low-income households and vulnerable consumers by encouraging Cambodian youth to engage in inter-generational dialogue at the household level.

World Education and Good Return were recently awarded a grant from Development Alternatives, Inc. (DAI) under USAID’s Development Innovations Catalyst Fund towards implementing the campaign with school children and garment factory workers, analyzing results and evaluating its impact.

The grant leverages Good Return’s existing relationship with the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC) and dovetails into a broader consumer awareness campaign being developed by Good Return in partnership with the NBC. Overall, the campaign will create a body of multimedia work (public service announcements for distribution online through Facebook and websites, via radio, and posters and national advertising) that will go live across Cambodia from mid- March 2016.Roundtable discussion

Disclaimer: This feature story is made possible with the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of World Education and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States government.

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