A significant number of Cambodia’s youth face difficulties with poverty, unstable home lives, substance abuse problems, and other factors that lead too many of them to a life on the streets. For many of these children, the lack of stability in their lives means they lack access to basic information to keep them healthy and protect themselves from diseases such as HIV and AIDS. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), in recognition of the importance of reaching this population with HIV prevention education, entered into a partnership with World Education and Mith Samlanh to deliver the Vulnerable Street Children Program (VSCP). The goal of VSCP was to reduce HIV infections among street children in Phnom Penh through the dissemination of education and information to help them avoid risk behaviors related to HIV infection; in addition, MoEYS gained substantial in-house experience and knowledge about working with this population, culminating in their development of a strategy to work with these vulnerable youth directly in the future.
Vulnerable Street Children Program (2006-2007)
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